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Traffic-i (Nokia 7650) 1.50

Traffic-i (Nokia 7650) 1.50

Traffic-i (Nokia 7650) Publisher's Description

Traffic-i shows live traffic information for the UK covering in excess of 8,000 miles of motorways and trunk roads in a clear graphical form.

Within seconds of switching on the phone, users can access high quality, live traffic information from Trafficmaster, providing a nationwide picture of traffic conditions. Users can navigate quickly and easily around the UK and zoom into any specific area of interest to view traffic delays, which are displayed using high quality graphics, in either miles per hour, or by the number of minutes the delay will add to their journey.

With five levels of zoom available, and the ability to bookmark areas for quick retrieval, Traffic-i allows users to make informed decisions on their preferred route, based on current traffic conditions.

Price includes 12 months subscription to the Traffic-i service.

There are various ways of connecting your phone to traffic-i service. These include GPRS, Dial-up, Bluetooth or via the Sony Ericsson SyncStation.

After installing and registering Traffic-i on your phone, you are able to connect to the Traffic-i service, and receive the latest traffic information. Because Traffic-i stores the map information on the phone, only the latest traffic information is downloaded, keeping data transmission to a minimum.

We recommend that users on the move use GPRS and to give an idea of the amount of data transmitted the usage would range from a light user who uses the service 16 times a month to a heavy user who uses the service about 200 times a month. The light user would use about 75kb of data and the heavy user about 500kb.

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